How to pronounce


Caprese is a classic Italian dish made with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil. Pronouncing the word correctly is important to ensure your guests understand what you are serving them. Here is how to properly say "caprese":


Break the word down into syllables and focus on the pronunciation of each. The first syllable, "ka," is pronounced like the "k" in the word "kitten." The second syllable, "pray," sounds like the word "pray." The third syllable, "zay," is similar to the word "zay," but with a "z" sound instead of a "s" sound.

The emphasis should be on the second syllable, "pray." Put a slight stress on the syllable when you say it, as if you were saying the word "prayer."

Once you have the pronunciation of each syllable down, practice putting them together and saying the word "caprese" several times. Make sure you stress the second syllable correctly and the word should come out easily.

Now you know how to pronounce "caprese" correctly. Bon Appétit!

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